Beau Bayou Blog - May 2017 Keeping the hedgehogs off his withers! Combined Training So, in April we qualified as a team for the British Riding Clubs' National Championships - the Festival of the Horse. I was determined to NOT let the team down in my jumping and to canter the whole course. I was also determined not to forget my dressage test - you are not allowed a commander in Championships. The competition was on the Sunday, and I had volunteered to help on the Saturday which turned out to be a really good plan. Not only could I familiarise myself with where to park, I got to walk the course and even buy a commemorative hoodie with all the horses' names on - and Beau's picked out with a little crystal :) Off home afterwards and I tortured Beau with shampoo, and scrubbed my tack clean (I love having a synthetic saddle!). Simon very kindly cleaned and polished my boots for me - it's the first time they have ever seen shoe polish instead of baby ...
How to Excel At Being Average - a monthly diary of the ups and downs of horse ownership, with Tamasine and Beau Bayou the legend. Riding Club fun and trying to improve - from an 'average' rider!