Keep looking forward! Martin Luther King Jr once said: ' If you can't fly then run , if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving". He was right, though it's easy to lose sight of that in January It's currently mid-winter. There is so much mud at the moment it's hard to imagine grass on the ground. It's also hard to imagine a time when it's possible to ride in the evenings - or even to ride at weekends; or even to WANT to ride! We've had strong winds, snow and ice and heavy rain lately whenever I've been able to go to Happy Acres in daylight, so my motivation to ride has been a tad lacking. So, I thought I would go through all the things that we SHOULD be doing at this time of year and try to kick start you,. dear reader, into thinking along the same lines. Between us I am sure we can come up with a master plan for a successful transition from wint...