Cherwell Valley Riding Club has this year, in addition to hosting 3-day stay-over camps at Bury Farm EC, decided to hold day camps on specific disciplines. Genius! At the beginning of May a dressage day camp was arranged, with 3 instructors offering very different skill sets and viewpoints, across 5 sessions - 2 on foot and 3 ridden Tory and I arrived with Beau and Sardra, settled them into their stables, and went off in search of a brew. In typical CVRC fashion there were lots of people there on their own so we all helped each other settle in, then sat and got to know each other whilst coffees were poured We were divided into 5 groups of 2, and given time slots for our activities. Tory and i were together so followed the same sessions throughout the day. There were rest gaps too so we could watch everybody else learning. I don't know about you but I think that can be at least as valuable as being taught directly Jules La Garde Biomechanics - ...
How to Excel At Being Average - a monthly diary of the ups and downs of horse ownership, with Tamasine and Beau Bayou the legend. Riding Club fun and trying to improve - from an 'average' rider!