We all have off days, horses and humans. The important thing is not to be disheartened, but to learn from it and move on A couple of weeks ago Beau and I performed a dressage to music test at prelim level. In theory this should have been easy, because we have all the elementary moves at home. However that particular day Beau was having none of it We are all taught from our first time in the saddle that if something goes wrong it's our fault and not the horse's. This was true that day as much as any other, there would have been lots of tools in a better rider's kit to overcome his behaviour. But... never forget you are riding a living, breathing, thinking, sentient being; in Beau's case a being with plenty of his own opinions. On a good day he is like riding a machine - very sensitive and very easy. On a bad day he reminds me that at 21 he hasn't just read the book on evasions - he wrote it! We started well in the warm up - it was ve...
How to Excel At Being Average - a monthly diary of the ups and downs of horse ownership, with Tamasine and Beau Bayou the legend. Riding Club fun and trying to improve - from an 'average' rider!