Quadrille and Talland Quadrille I may not have mentioned that this year - for the first time since we heard of quadrille as a discipline, we will not be competing. I won't go into details but this year the team has experienced (in no particular order): Close family bereavement which saw Tory and I unable to focus on horses at all for about six months. L ame horse due to illness - retired. Lame horse due to carriage crash - recovered. Broken ribs, slipped disc, broken back (3 different people), divorce, house move. Our targeted 'spare' horse proved not to enjoy quadrille, and our new horse has just not had enough practise with the team to be settled. However, we will be going this weekend to cheer on the other teams (especially our very good friends from Buchan RC in Aberdeen), and to actually watch the evening performances. I am so excited, because we normally spend our time out back caring for the horses and getting ourselves ready, so I ...
How to Excel At Being Average - a monthly diary of the ups and downs of horse ownership, with Tamasine and Beau Bayou the legend. Riding Club fun and trying to improve - from an 'average' rider!