September 2016 – My
brain only has room for Quadrille and Team Quest
It’s interesting how much I am learning just from the act
of writing this blog every month. Its
effects run wider too: Several people
have told me that they are keeping a record of what they have achieved and
setting goals for themselves, inspired by the blog. Not that this blog is super-inspirational –
it’s more that the act of keeping a record reminds us that although we may feel
like things are just the same, actually we have moved on, improved, learned,
and are hopefully now just that little bit better than we were for the sake of
our horses
Thank you Mollichaff for helping me, and everyone else
inspired by what we’ve been up to, to be better riders and have more fun!
We’ve been
hacking out, me in my ace new hi-viz apron.
Sadly dismounting elegantly still evades me. Lucky Beau is so good!

The link is
Team Quest
Cherwell Valley Charlatans have qualified for
regionals! We won’t be going to the
Nationals because although Beau has a fab test in him my nerves are a bit of a
barrier! Maybe I need some NLP. Or gin.
The team is very excited and we have a plan for the team selfie :D
I write this whilst reflecting on a test in mid August where
most of our marks were 6.5 and 7, yet we managed a 4.5 for submission. It’s my own fault, I told Beau before we left
that I’d like a good score for submission today please ;) his answer was very
clear! We came last in the class,
deservedly so. However, the test was far
more consistent overall and our left canter demon is disappearing. 4.5 was also given for the trot (left canter)
serpentine, and the right trot (left canter) 20m circle, but those spectators
who happened to have turned away during those little (!) errors said it looked
like a really nice test. Sadly the judge
was watching…
Coach Alison to the rescue after the
rather forward test mentioned above. I
messaged her and she was straight back with advice and support. It’s FAB working with a coach who doesn’t mind
me contacting her with questions between lessons! I am very conscious to not text/message/call
her too often though in case she gets annoyed with me ;) I save it up for lessons mostly
I also had a brilliant session on
classical dressage schooling with Jules La Garde. It was a real eye opener. The approach she takles makes logival sense
to me and hopefully I will be able to apply it.
At this point in our training it feels
like I’m tidying my room: All the
clothes and make-up and trinkets are on the floor and on the bed, and I have
almost sorted out what to keep and what to bin before putting it all away again!
scores tracker
I have updated it – but I want the
final score to be from TQ (hopefully not too shameful) so I will post that in
@BeauBayou for
news and random thoughts
The costumes
are now well underway for the big day.
We are later this year than we have been – life seems to have got in the
way! We have also been quite adventurous
with glitter and stick-on items so we won’t be able to have a dress rehearsal
for fear of damaging the horses’ outfits. Alison has been drilling us in spacing and
making circles circular instead of riding our usual rectircles or squovals, so
if we can do it on the night we will look quite organised! I am still excited about our music choice – I
hope the speakers at Bury Farm are man enough ;)
We’ve been working on flag desensitisation too – I think we’re OK with
that one
MORE glitter, paint and metallic felt
for quadrille costumes. Stopped adding
it up now, far too scary. Bank card
Goals: updated for September:
Dressage: The main focus is STILL to get 70% in a
prelim test unaffiliated L!
Team Quest: WE DID
24th September at Quainton Stud. Eek!
saddle: Lots of hacking being done. Even
though it’s comfy my hips still hurt for a few days after each one. Maybe after all the quadrille and
championships are done I should step up the intensity a bit
Not long now! By my next blog we will
have done it. 1st October at
Bury Farm EC from 6.30pm if anyone wants to come and see the annual ritual
public humiliation ;)
No progress this month :/
dressage: Tracy to compete with Beau at Elementary (and maybe me next year if I ever understand the movements)
goal: To not make an idiot of myself at
Team Quest Regionals and to not let the team down. What a fabulous team it’s been. We’ve had a really fun summer supporting each
other and trying to qualify! Placing will
not be an issue, we are happy just to be going
Much love, Tam and Beau x
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