So, Easter already. Beau has had a very light few months because I have been so busy elsewhere in my life, so it seemed wrong to bring him into work, drop him back, bring him up etc. He doesn't care, he is quite happy simply being a fat fluffy horse in the field. I have ridden my friend's beautiful Friesans though and WOW! That trot!!
Now that the lighter evenings are here though it makes sense for me to ride after work. If only i could find the energy! I don't know about you, but I give 100% to everything which means that at the end of a day's work I am pretty much used up. Don't get me wrong, my job is not physical at all, but my brain sends all the messages to my body required for me to just want to snuggle up on the sofa with the cat and a glass of wine. Time wasted? Or time spent recharging for the next day?
This weekend however, I have big plans. I have 4 whole days off to do whatever I like! The field shelters need painting, I have signs to fix to the horsebox, the power washer needs an outing and the patch behind the house looks like a city wasteland not a country garden. The bedrooms need painting, and my wardrobe needs a biblical sort-out. I have made a list. However, I am a notorious optimist when it comes to planning and always expect myself to achieve more than i do. This is the perfect way to set myself up for disappointment.
It's important, I feel, to not do the same with horses - whatever your aims and aspirations. Beau is 22 now and every joint in my body seems to have an old injury, so to expect us both to reach Grand Prix dressage is a stretch, but i fully expect us to be able to compete sensibly at Elementary with some work and focus. All that said, Japanese rider Hiroshi Hoketsu competed at the London Olympics at the age of 70, so why not me? (see, i can't ever quite give myself a break!)
Megacoach Alison has been talking a lot lately about mindfulness - This is something that Mrs Whipcracker is brilliant at. She focuses so strongly on whatever she is doing it's hard to get her attention sometimes. I, however, am good at planning my next job, or pigeon spotting oin the hedges around the arena when riding. Those moments I do find myself concentrating on only one thing are magical and I try to keep doing just that as much as possible. It's one of the skills i know i need to work on. That and sitting up, using my core, keeping my lower leg still, lifting my hands etc etc etc. Still, there's a place in the world for all of us and whilst Mrs Whipcracker focuses so well I will be out the back multi-tasking.
I haven't made my ambitions list for this year yet. I need to see what happens in other areas of my life before I can do so, and that's OK. It's one year where my own focus has shifted and with luck I will have time to catch up.
One thing most definitely on the agenda though is Quadrille.
This year Sardra has presented with an injury and will need a few months to recover so we have new Teamies, Claire and Annie, who will do us proud and learn how much fun it is! Claire has helped us so much behind the scenes for the last few years and has been absolutely invaluable so has more than earned her place amongst the Cherwell valley RC Quaddies.

This year's theme will give us plenty of makeup and artistry challenges.
Step 1 is a trip down to Christine Waygood at so we can make our hats. One thing we learned in year 1 about Quadrille is that you cannot BUY a headdress that fits over a skull cap (nobody has a head that big so nobody sells them that big) you have to MAKE them. I can't wait to go and play and see what monstrosities we can come up with :D
We already have some good music ideas and have started coming up with a routine, so let's see if this year we can make the final.....
TTFN. Much love, Tam and Beau x
Now that the lighter evenings are here though it makes sense for me to ride after work. If only i could find the energy! I don't know about you, but I give 100% to everything which means that at the end of a day's work I am pretty much used up. Don't get me wrong, my job is not physical at all, but my brain sends all the messages to my body required for me to just want to snuggle up on the sofa with the cat and a glass of wine. Time wasted? Or time spent recharging for the next day?
This weekend however, I have big plans. I have 4 whole days off to do whatever I like! The field shelters need painting, I have signs to fix to the horsebox, the power washer needs an outing and the patch behind the house looks like a city wasteland not a country garden. The bedrooms need painting, and my wardrobe needs a biblical sort-out. I have made a list. However, I am a notorious optimist when it comes to planning and always expect myself to achieve more than i do. This is the perfect way to set myself up for disappointment.
It's important, I feel, to not do the same with horses - whatever your aims and aspirations. Beau is 22 now and every joint in my body seems to have an old injury, so to expect us both to reach Grand Prix dressage is a stretch, but i fully expect us to be able to compete sensibly at Elementary with some work and focus. All that said, Japanese rider Hiroshi Hoketsu competed at the London Olympics at the age of 70, so why not me? (see, i can't ever quite give myself a break!)
Megacoach Alison has been talking a lot lately about mindfulness - This is something that Mrs Whipcracker is brilliant at. She focuses so strongly on whatever she is doing it's hard to get her attention sometimes. I, however, am good at planning my next job, or pigeon spotting oin the hedges around the arena when riding. Those moments I do find myself concentrating on only one thing are magical and I try to keep doing just that as much as possible. It's one of the skills i know i need to work on. That and sitting up, using my core, keeping my lower leg still, lifting my hands etc etc etc. Still, there's a place in the world for all of us and whilst Mrs Whipcracker focuses so well I will be out the back multi-tasking.
I haven't made my ambitions list for this year yet. I need to see what happens in other areas of my life before I can do so, and that's OK. It's one year where my own focus has shifted and with luck I will have time to catch up.
One thing most definitely on the agenda though is Quadrille.
This year Sardra has presented with an injury and will need a few months to recover so we have new Teamies, Claire and Annie, who will do us proud and learn how much fun it is! Claire has helped us so much behind the scenes for the last few years and has been absolutely invaluable so has more than earned her place amongst the Cherwell valley RC Quaddies.
This year's theme will give us plenty of makeup and artistry challenges.
We already have some good music ideas and have started coming up with a routine, so let's see if this year we can make the final.....
TTFN. Much love, Tam and Beau x
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